Hello! I am Bhavya Chopra, a first year CS PhD student at the EPIC Data Lab, advised by Prof. Aditya Parameswaran at University of California, Berkeley. I am interested in designing and building interactive systems to support data science workflows.

Previously, I was a Research Fellow with the PROSE Team at Microsoft, advised by Dr. Austin Z. Henley, Dr. Gustavo Soares, Dr. Chris Parnin, Dr. Anna Fariha, and Dr. Ashish Tiwari. My work focused on identifying challenges in conversational and recommendation-based AI systems for data science; and exploring agent-based frameworks to enable collaborative debugging with LLMs.

Before that, I completed my bachelors in Computer Science and Design engineering (with honors) from IIIT-Delhi in 2022. I developed interfaces for inclusive and immersive storytelling experiences for children with visual impairments with Prof. Richa Gupta, and also learnt program analysis techniques to understand the use of assertions in Java open-source repositories with Prof. Rahul Purandare.


🏆 Let's Fix This Together: Conversational Debugging with GitHub Copilot
Yasharth Bajpai, Bhavya Chopra, Param Biyani, Cagri Aslan, Dustin Coleman, Sumit Gulwani, Chris Parnin, Arjun Radhakrishna, Gustavo Soares
VL/HCC '24 • Best Paper Award
Exploring Interaction Patterns for Debugging: Enhancing Conversational Capabilities of AI-assistants
Bhavya Chopra*, Yasharth Bajpai*, Param Biyani, Gustavo Soares, Arjun Radhakrishna, Chris Parnin, Sumit Gulwani (*-Equal Contribution)
HCI+NLP Workshop, NAACL '24 • featured on Microsoft Reseach Focus Blog
🏆 Semantically Aligned Question and Code Generation for Automated Insight Generation
Ananya Singha, Bhavya Chopra, Anirudh Khatry, Sumit Gulwani, Austin Z. Henley, Vu Le, Chris Parnin, Mukul Singh, Gust Verbruggen
LLM4Code Workshop, ICSE '24 • Best Paper Awardfeatured on Microsoft Reseach Focus Blog
🏆 Detangler: Helping Data Scientists Explore, Understand, and Debug Data Wrangling Pipelines
Nischal Shrestha, Bhavya Chopra, Austin Z. Henley, Chris Parnin
VL/HCC '23 • Best Paper Award
CoWrangler: Recommender System for Data Wrangling Scripts
Bhavya Chopra, Anna Fariha, Sumit Gulwani, Austin Z. Henley, Daniel Perelman, Mohammad Raza, Sherry Shi, Danny Simmons, Ashish Tiwari
SIGMOD '23 Demonstration
StoryBox: Independent Multi-modal Interactive Storytelling for Children with Visual Impairment
Bhavya Chopra, Richa Gupta
CHI '22 Late-Breaking Work
🥈 Reality Tales: Facilitating User-Character Interaction with Immersive Storytelling
Bhavya Chopra*, Khushali Verma*, Sonali Singhal*, Utsav Singla* (*-Equal Contribution)
CHI '21 Student Research Competition • Second Position (undergraduate category)


Conversational Challenges in AI-Powered Data Science: Obstacles, Needs, and Design Opportunities
Bhavya Chopra, Ananya Singha, Anna Fariha, Sumit Gulwani, Chris Parnin, Ashish Tiwari, Austin Z. Henley
arXiv Report
Study of Assertions: Understanding Assertion Use in Java Projects on GitHub
Bhavya Chopra
Bachelor Thesis, IIIT-Delhi

Academic Service

Teaching Assistant at IIIT-Delhi
Program Analysis (CSE503), Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (DES102)

CHI 2023, CHI 2022 Late-Breaking Work

Student Volunteering
CSCW 2022, CHI PLAY 2022, CSCW 2021, IndiaHCI 2021

Selected Software Projects

Ongoing level of plants vs zombies. The plants attack zombies approaching the house.
Plants versus Zombies: Strategy Video Game
Re-implemented Plants vs Zombies in Java, following object-oriented programming principles.

Course dependency graph, where each course is a node, and directed edges indicate dependencies
TechTree: Course Repository for IIIT-Delhi
Designed, developed, and hosted TechTree for the academic department and faculty at IIIT-Delhi to maintain and share descriptions of over 350 courses with students. TechTree enables 3000+ students every semester to plan their courses through visualization of course pre-requisites via interactive tables and directed acyclic graphs.